Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” That’s great advice, especially when it comes to business communication. The only thing I would add – in respect to business – is to keep repeating a consistent message if you want it to stick with people.
With all the distractions around us, and all the information and advertisements circulating for other brands, it’s easy for even the simplest message to escape our minds. If you want your business’ message to stand out, three things need to happen. 1) Your message must be simple and the same every time. 2) You have to get it out there in front of people over and over again. 3) You have to be an authority on what your message is conveying.
Let’s use some big brand slogans as an example. Can you match the message with the brand?
Just do it.
Think different.
What’s in your wallet?
I’m lovin’ it.
There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s …
Because you’re worth it.
For life.
A diamond is forever.
These big corporations have nailed down simple slogans that are easy to repeat over and over again. Because of that, I’m betting you knew most of the answers. But they aren’t the only ones who can succeed in this type of marketing. Regardless of your size, keep repeating your message until it becomes a part of your internal business culture and a part of your public identity.
Finally, back up your message with authority and action. Your marketing message should be genuine and authentic and represent your business accurately, otherwise you risk driving people away.
So, did you guess most of them? Check your answers:
Just do it. - Nike
Think different. - Apple
What’s in your wallet? - Capital One Credit Card
I’m lovin’ it. - McDonalds
There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard. - MasterCard
Because you’re worth it. - L’Oreal
For life. - Volvo
A diamond is forever. - De Beers