Today we want to share another example of a company that stepped outside the box to improve its business operations.
Vantaggio Suites is a specialty extended-stay hotel chain, located in San Diego and San Francisco, serving mainly business travelers on assignment and students studying abroad. Because their customers stay with them for longer periods of time, extra paperwork is required. And when we say paperwork, we mean good old-fashioned hard copies. This was costing them a lot of time and resources producing copies, filing, and searching for documents.
Think about it. How much extra time would it take to simply file every piece of paperwork and then search for it when needed? Then tack on the cost of paper and printing, and the space it would take to keep all of those documents securely tucked away.
Vantaggio wanted to shorten its 15 to 20-minute check-in process and be able to pull up documents immediately rather than dig through filing cabinets. If they have 20 guests to check in, and each one takes 15 minutes, that’s a solid 5-hours just to check in guests. What happens if 4 guests arrive at the same time?
PSP to the rescue. First, we learned all about their check-in process. We went through each step and every document, making it all digital. We even took it a step further by making the process mobile and tablet-friendly. Now, customers can check-in on tablets, read the rules, waivers, watch the video, and then the information is filed electronically. We also created a set of search functions so office staff can find and pull customer information quickly.
This may not be your business model, but perhaps it’ll get you thinking about ways you can make your business operations run more efficiently. After all, time is money!