On Tuesday we talked about Generation Xers and Millennials. Today, we’re taking a look into the up and upcoming Generation Z. We’ll look at how our marketing efforts will need to change in order to reach them.
Before we start, let’s identify Gen Z. They are the generation after Millennials and are often called Post-Millennial, Homeland Generation, and iGeneration. They were born between the mid to late 90s and the 2000s, meaning most of them are now teenagers and will be entering the workforce in a few years. That’s important for businesses because Gen Z's purchasing power will increase soon.
So how do we market to Gen Z?
Share Values
Gen Z cares about environmental, socio-economic, and political issues more than any other generation (including Millennials) according to NRF. This generation spends money on companies whose values align with their own. Will you have a positive impact on the world, or are you just here to make money?
Find your company’s core values and purpose and communicate this clearly to Gen Z.
Meaningful Communication
It’s difficult to earn this generation’s loyalty. They expect interactions with brands to be meaningful and personal. Feeling like a cog in a giant machine just won’t do. This means your company needs to open up meaningful discussions and ask for feedback.
Mobile, Mobile, Mobile
Everything is happening on mobile devices for Gen Z. Businesses need to optimize their mobile websites, apps, and social networks if they plan on reaching this group of consumers. Optimizing your social networks means finding out how Gen Zers use each social channel and creating content for each one specifically.
This generation understands, perhaps more than anyone else, what’s happening online. They know the importance of privacy and look for companies to be transparent and committed to keeping their information safe.