A good website often comes with some kind of form for prospective customers to fill out. The objective is to gather more information, whether it be as simple as an RSVP, or an inquiry about a service such as catering, or something more complex like an employee application form.
What many people don’t realize is you don’t have to modify your existing website to add a form that suits your needs. With a service called InforMakers by PSP, you can design a custom form for your business and embed the technology into your existing site.
Our intuitive form builder is so simple, anyone can do it. You can build, customize and embed your form as you like, making it as simple or robust as needed. Some other great features about InforMakers includes:
• Mobile-friendly form designs
• Ability to export data
• Option to send auto response to customers
• Availability to create unlimited forms
InforMarkers requires no contracts or sign up fees. Get started today at https://informakers.com/.