We know it’s important to keep web content to a minimum and try to get our point across in as few words as possible. Too much text on a screen is a turn off, and people feel overwhelmed by it.
We also know many companies require a lot of content to tell their story or sell their product or service. It’s a conundrum. How do you balance text, white space and imagery on your site so it looks clean and professional, but properly tell your story with complete details? The answer is Click It Audio, by PSP.
We generate simple html codes you can embed into your site, allowing you to upload or delete audio mp3 files at any time. Your audio file will have the ability to play on a PC, MAC or other smart device.
With Click It Audio, you can have it all: a less cluttered website with the option for your visitors to simply click a button to hear more details. PSP offers 3 audio containers for FREE. But if you need more audio, we offer very reasonable annual plans.
Check out https://www.clickitaudio.com/ to get more information, pricing and even see a demo of how Click It Audio works.