This website has no purpose ... or does it? When I lost my dog, Pompom, two years ago, I created a website to send message to him in Heaven. I made it as a pet project to learn PHP 7. I didn’t really need to learn PHP but I had a purpose. That purpose was to build that website.
I wanted to create a website that was designed for me to write anything I wanted and to post it nowhere. I can write anything without worrying about anyone seeing it except myself and Pompom in heaven. The source code has no functionality to save any messages you write. In addition, I purchased an SSL certificate to make sure your communication is also protected.
I did not make this site to make money. I just wanted to feel that Pompom is still with me. You are free to use this site and write anything you want. I assure you that I have no idea what you have written.
Just in case you would like to know, there is a site post counter that goes up by one when something is written. Currently there are more than 12,500 posts and that is not all me.
Website: https://www.postinheaven.com
Email: info@pspinc.com
Telephone: 1-800-232-3989 or 1-425-957-0808
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
POST IN HEAVEN 天国のメッセージボード
このサイトでは、誰でも自由に好きなことを書いて送信することができます。でもそれらの言葉はどこにも保存されないのです。そう、書いた文字は送信した時点で天国に送り出され痕跡はまったく残らないのです。そしてサイト自体も SSL を購入して暗号化通信をしています。
ホームページ: https://www.postinheaven.com
メール: info@pspinc.com
お電話: 1-800-232-3989 or 1-425-957-0808
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.