Dreamersi is PSPINC’s email hosting service that includes a .com domain name, a website, and unlimited email accounts. But there is no discount due to the nature of the service and its low annual price of $250. However, we are now offering the web and email Dreamersi package for $199/year. Please take this opportunity to apply for the domain you need. To sign up, go to pspinc.com/dreamersi, select...
We are thrilled to announce that we've released an all-new feature to Click It Audio that allows users to add a logo or image to their QR code. If you already have an account with Click It Audio, all you need to do is: Login to Click It Audio Click the QR Code icon Upload your image under "Add Logo Image" Resize your image using the logo image scale Save your custom options, if desired Download yo...
Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail DB server optimization . You may experience delay in incoming emails for a few seconds during the time below. The schedule is as follows: * USA Pacific Standard Time - Jan 4th (Tue) 2:00 - 2:30am * Japan Time - Jan 5th (Wed) ...
In the past, we've described the tech industry as creative, innovative, and ever-expanding. And 2021 was no different. With the global pandemic, more people relied on technology for practically everyt...
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. currently offers three different types of hosting services. But not because we’ve developed three different types. Two that we’ve purchased are still operating under their original name. In addition to the hosting service, we’ve developed in-house. Currently, we offer the following three hosting services: dreamersi.com yourhost.com parcomweb.com Not all of them of...
As we close out 2021, we would like to look back at a major project we undertook this year. We've referred to this as the “PSPINC brand consolidation” project. Background As an online technology compa...
Recently, some people seem to be doing work related to their companies using only their cell phones. Cell phones are indeed more convenient than PCs when it comes to email, chatting, and social networking. However, even if you look at the back-office functions required for business, such as accounting, many tasks cannot be done on a cell phone. As is the case with us, we don't carry our PC with us...
Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail server update. You may experience delay in outgoing emails for a few seconds during the time below. The schedule is as follows: * USA Pacific Standard Time - December 20th Mon 2:00 - 2:30pm * Japan Time - December 21st Tue 7:...
To our valued customers: We have investigated whether the Apache Log4j vulnerability was affecting our products and services. As a result, we have determined that most our products and services do not use the Log4j library. Therefore they are not impacted by this issue. Our legacy Parcom server was utilizing an installed plugin containing this library. That plugin has been patched, and there is no...
Does your company have a website? Is it easy to understand what your company does by looking at your homepage? Do you receive inquiries from visitors to your website? On a scale of 1 to 100, how would you rate your website? I'm sure many of you are wondering if there is something more you can do. I think the best way to evaluate the usefulness of a website is to see if it is generating new busines...