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3 tips for a better mobile webs...

3 tips for a better mobile website

We often spout the virtues of mobile web design. With approximately half of all web traffic being viewed on mobile devices, we cannot afford to ignore the mobile experience of our customers and website visitors. Below are 3 tips for providing a better mobile web experience for people who are on your website. #1 Have a well organized mobile navigation There is nothing worse than being on a mobile d...

Announcement: Mail Server (I...

Announcement: Mail Server (IMAP) Update

ear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail server update. You may experience delay in incoming emails for a few seconds during the time below. The schedule is as follows: (Updated the schedule from Nov/23 to Mov/24) * USA Pacific Standard Time - November 24th (Wed) 5:0...


PSPINC What's New Newsletter Vol. 90 "Password Management Service"

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is pleased to announce the free beta release of Pass Wizard, a password management service that has been available in beta since November 4th, 2021. It is free of charge to use, so please try it out. The setup requires user authentication with a cell phone. Also, even if you have access to your account with your login credentials, there are optional security setti...

Things to consider when deleti...

Things to consider when deleting web pages

Web builder tools like WordPress and WebdeXpress are powerful. They grant website owners the power to make website updates themselves without the need of a Web Developer. As a great man once said - “with great power comes great responsibility.” Adding or editing content and pages is one thing, but what happens when you need to remove pages from your website? You just press the delete button and po...

Announcement: Mail Proxy Ser...

Announcement: Mail Proxy Server Update

Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail proxy server update. We do not expect any downtime during the update process. The schedule is as follows: * USA Pacific Standard Time - November 17th (Wed) 5:00 - 5:30am * Japan Time - November 17th (Wed) 10:00 - 10:30pm PSPI...

Announcement: Mail Server Up...

Announcement: Mail Server Update

Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail server update. There will be a period of about 10 minutes during which a part of Dreamersi mail users will not be able to send or receive e-mails during the maintenance time below. The schedule is as follows: * USA Pacific St...


PSPINC What's New Newsletter Vol. 89 "Vertical Application Development"

Have you ever heard of the term "vertical application development"? In the world, there are computer applications for everyone, such as word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations. These are called horizontal applications. In short, these horizontal applications are application programs that can be used regardless of industry, and are also called general-purpose programs. Do you know what kin...

NewsMAIL: Login button locatio...

NewsMAIL: Login button location has changed

Thank you for choosing NewsMAIL email broadcasting services by Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are happy to announce that along with PSPINC.COM website reform, the location of NewsMAIL login button has changed as shown in image. If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-800-232-3989 or email us at We would like to answer your questions by phone call. Pacific Softwa...

3 reasons your website needs ...

3 reasons your website needs to be mobile-friendly

For years we have been advocating for the importance of mobile-friendly, responsive websites. Today we are discussing 3 reasons this is a MUST. Mobile browsing accounts for about half of worldwide web traffic Yes, you read that correctly. Approximately 50% of the websites viewed from around the world are being viewed on mobile devices. A large number of your customers are viewing your website on a...


PSPINC What's New Newsletter Vol. 88 "A product that everyone will like"

When you are thinking of creating a new product, it is natural to think about who is going to use the product. The market is the target audience that is likely to buy it. The value of a product is often expressed in terms of what percentage of the market it has. This is another way to advertise the value of a product, not by its function, but by its market share. Needless to say, when we design a ...

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