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Opinion Stand is perfect for "T...

Opinion Stand is perfect for "Thank You" cards

An amazing use for the Opinion Stand has been spotted in action!   Agora is a provider of premium coffee, break room supplies and water purification technology in the greater Seattle area. As a result...

Dreamersi: phpMyAdmin versi...

Dreamersi: phpMyAdmin version update

We are constantly working to improve the overall experience of using our services. As such, we are very pleased to announce a phpMyAdmin version update from 4.9.0 to 4.9.4. Though this is not a big update, it does include a security patch and some bug fixes. If you are using Dreamersi Custom or WordPress web servers, you can install phpMyAdmin under [SQL Database] after logging into your Dreamersi...

Record your COVID-19 websit...

Record your COVID-19 website message and embed it with Click It Audio!

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide pandemic has caused a lot of changes to our day-to-day lives. As you may have seen on as well as many other websites, businesses of all shapes and sizes are sharing information on how COVID-19 has impacted their business and operations. While written releases share information, spoken words can often provide a warmer message that we can all use in th...

Placeholder blog photo

Dreamersi Update

Dear valued customers, Thank you very much for using PSPinc service. We are always looking at improving our services to you. As such, we will be updating Dreamersi as scheduled below. This update might cause a page load issue for a few seconds during the work while you're logging into Dreamersi. * USA Pacific Time April 3 (Fri) 6:00am - 6:30am *Japan time April 4 (Sat) 10:00pm - 10:30pm PSPinc alw...

Company Website

Company Website

Vol. 05 There are many types of websites around the world, but I have been saying that creating a long marketing message is bad. People do not have a long enough attention span to read lengthy text an...

Message banner on top of you...

Web Announcement

It is very important to say something about your business at your website during this Coronavirus Pandemic. We have created a message band on top of the website which leads to the statement page. For many walk-in businesses, you really need to tell your customer wether you are open or closed. We are happy to create this band and landing page for you whether you are our customer or not. If you need...

History of PSPi...

History of PSPinc’s Logo

Vol. 4 Today let’s talk about the history of the PSPinc logo. A company logo gives people a first impression of what that company is like. It also tells a vivid story of the company’s philosophy. This...

Placeholder blog photo

Statement on the Coronavirus Pandemic

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is monitoring and observing all Federal, State, County, and City regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of our staff, vendors, and customers. Prior to the Ma...

Woodstock Media Group is using Click It Audio

Sometime it is easier to communicate with your own voice than the test on your website. For that PSPinc created Click It Audio. This is one of the best examples of how it is used.

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