Dear Valued Customers, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we provide to you. We removed the old-WebdeMail link from Dreamersi management screen. We are completely discontinuing the old-WebdeMail interface at 6 am PST on January 26th. From now on, Please use new-WebdeMail. Here is the new URL for the login page: https://wdm5.dreame...
WHAT IS ML-5? Hello, this is Ken Uchikura again from Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are very privileged to be chosen to take care of your Domain, Web and Email needs. We have been working very hard to make sure the services that you use are secure and stable. You probably did not feel it, but we had a massive DDoS attack to our servers lasting an entire week. We were able to reroute all DDoS...
This story takes place 25 years ago at 5:46am on January 17th, 1995. I was working for a company and one of our Japanese customers called me at about 1:00pm. He told me that “There was a big earthquak...
Have you ever wanted to give a review (bad or good) of a company on the spot? Perhaps you just finished dining at a restaurant and you’d like to recognize the top notch service you received. On the co...
HELLO FROM KEN Thank you for being our customer. We are excited to let you know what we are working on so that we may be able to assist your business in some small way. We are sending this email to you because you are a part of a business which currently uses our services such as web hosting, web development, newsletter publishing and others. If we are not providing any services to your business a...
Dear Valued Customers, Thank you very much for using PSPinc service. We are always looking at improving our services to you. As such, we will be updating spam and virus scan system as scheduled below. There will be up to 10 seconds of downtime expected during the update. * USA Pacific Time - January 15 (Wed) 6:00am - 6:30am *Japan time - January 15 (Wed) 11:00pm - 11:30pm
We have snow. Beautiful but cold and dangerous. Be warm and safe!!!
Dear Valued Customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we provide to you. As such, we will be conducting a mail server update. Dur...
Dear Valued Customers, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we provide to you. Currently, we have two versions of WebdeMail. Dreamersi...
Dear Valued Customers, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We have added a new feature that will protect your Dreamersi email account from unauthorized access. After 10 failed log...