https://dreamrrsi.com にログインして、アカウント情報を選択してパスワードの変更を行ってください。変更後は、お使いのメーラー(Outlook, Thunderbird, MacMail, 携帯のメール)の設定も変更することを忘れないでください。
I've asked you to strengthen your passwords. Thank you so much for your help. With this change, we have changed the minimum number of characters in the password from 6 to 8, and other characters must include at least one uppercase alphabet, one lowercase alphabet, one number, and one symbol.
This change was requested due to a number of problems with email accounts being hijacked and a large number of spoofed emails being sent from them due to weak email passwords. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Also, for those of you who have not changed your e-mail account, you will not be able to send any more e-mails from the first Monday of the week. We ask that you change your email as soon as possible.
Please login to https://dreamrrsi.com, select your account information and change your password. Don't forget to change your mailer settings (Outlook, Thunderbird, MacMail, and mobile email) after you make the change.
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. 1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007 |
皆様のビジネスのお役にたてるツールをご提供します。 |
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. はワシントン州ベルビューに本社を構え、小さなビジネスから大企業まで、4万社以上の皆様にウェブホスティングやEメールサービスをご提供しております。また、皆様のビジネスのお役に立てるよう、独自のソフトウェア開発を行っております。弊社に関するご質問やご相談は、お電話:800-232-3989、メール:info@pspinc.com、または https://www.pspinc.com よりお気軽にお問い合わせください。 |
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